



package steerablepyramid

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Filters extends AnyRef


    Interface to steerable pyramid filter generator.

    Interface to steerable pyramid filter generator.

    Transform described in:

    INPROCEEDINGS{Simoncelli95b, TITLE = "The Steerable Pyramid: A Flexible Architecture for Multi-Scale Derivative Computation", AUTHOR = "E P Simoncelli and W T Freeman", BOOKTITLE = "Second Int'l Conf on Image Processing", ADDRESS = "Washington, DC", MONTH = "October", YEAR = 1995 }

    Filter kernel design described in:

    INPROCEEDINGS{Karasaridis96, TITLE = "A Filter Design Technique for Steerable Pyramid Image Transforms", AUTHOR = "A Karasaridis and E P Simoncelli", BOOKTITLE = "ICASSP", ADDRESS = "Atlanta, GA", MONTH = "May", YEAR = 1996 }

  2. class SteerablePyramid extends AnyRef


    Steerable pyramid, described in"The Steerable Pyramid: A Flexible Architecture for Multi-Scale Derivative Computation", E P Simoncelli and W T Freeman, Second Int'l Conf on Image Processing, 1995.

    Steerable pyramid, described in"The Steerable Pyramid: A Flexible Architecture for Multi-Scale Derivative Computation", E P Simoncelli and W T Freeman, Second Int'l Conf on Image Processing, 1995.

    Also see "The Design and Use of Steerable Filters" by Freeman and Adelson, and "Shiftable Multiscale Transforms" by Simoncelli et al.

Value Members

  1. object FiltersHilbertOrder3 extends Filters


    Approximate Hilbert transforms of the order-3 Steerable Pyramid, described in the paper "Design and Use of Steerable Filters," by Freeman and Adelson.

    Approximate Hilbert transforms of the order-3 Steerable Pyramid, described in the paper "Design and Use of Steerable Filters," by Freeman and Adelson.

    These filters are not very accurate, but that's OK because we're not using them fore reconstruction. The FiltersOrder3 are the odd filters, these are the corresponding even filters.

  2. object FiltersOrder0 extends Filters


    Filters for the order-0 Steerable Pyramid, ported from Matlab code.

    Filters for the order-0 Steerable Pyramid, ported from Matlab code. (

  3. object FiltersOrder1 extends Filters


    Filters for the order-1 Steerable Pyramid, ported from Matlab code.

    Filters for the order-1 Steerable Pyramid, ported from Matlab code. (

  4. object FiltersOrder3 extends Filters


    Filters for the order-3 Steerable Pyramid, ported from Matlab code.

    Filters for the order-3 Steerable Pyramid, ported from Matlab code. (

  5. object FiltersOrder5 extends Filters


    Filters for the order-5 Steerable Pyramid, ported from Matlab code.

    Filters for the order-5 Steerable Pyramid, ported from Matlab code. (

  6. object G3


    Implements the 3rd order odd kernel for the steerable pyramid.

    Implements the 3rd order odd kernel for the steerable pyramid. This comes from Tables I and II of "Design and Use of Steerable Filters", Freeman and Adelson.

    A comment in their Matlab code says these old filters from their 1991 paper are not very accurate, but their newer, more accurate, filter generator code was not included in the distribution.

    The value of Scale in the code was determined empirically by minimizing the mean square error beteen the old filters from 1991 paper and the new filters in their Matlab code. This is not too important here since we're not using this G3 kernel in the pyramid, but it's import since it helped me calibrate the H3 filter which we are using.

  7. object H3


    Implements the 3rd order odd kernel for the steerable pyramid.

    Implements the 3rd order odd kernel for the steerable pyramid. This comes from Tables I and II of "Design and Use of Steerable Filters", Freeman and Adelson.

    A comment in their Matlab code says these old filters from their 1991 paper are not very accurate, but their newer, more accurate, filter generator code was not included in the distribution.

    The value of Scale in the code was determined empirically by minimizing the mean square error beteen the old G3 filters from 1991 paper and the new G3 filters in their Matlab code. This is not too important here since we're not using this G3 kernel in the pyramid, but it helped us calibrate the crummy H3 filter here which we are using.
