input signal
the factor by which the output is reduced
the factor by which the output is reduced
input signal
Raise a node to a fixed power.
Raise a node to a fixed power. Cog has two pow() function signatures corresponding to both integer and non-integer powers. The integer case is detected here and special-cased (instead of having a separate PowN node for this).
If the power n
is anything other than a positive integer, make sure the inputs
are always positive or NaNs will result.
the input signal
the power to raise the input to
The downsample operator which samples every
input element to produce a reduced size output. The outputSize = ceil(inputSize / factor).Decided not to expose the "phase" parameter that exists with Cog's core downsample/upsample operators. There are some subtleties present in the Cog API, namely phase <= inSize-1 % factor. Put a different way, the Cog core's downsample() will result in a field of size ceil(inSize/factor). The specification of a non-zero phase should not disturb that. (inSize, factor, phase) = (5, 3, 2) is such a problem case where one might assume an output of size 1, but Cog will generate a size of 2.
input signal
the factor by which the output is reduced