A Cog computation graph.
The KernelCircuit is a "web of objects" that must be restored in a particular order that requires some global state.
The KernelCircuit is a "web of objects" that must be saved in a particular order that requires some global state.
The KernelCircuit is a "web of objects" that must be saved in a particular order that requires some global state. These collections are mixed into the ObjectSaver to permit this.
Factory object for making compute graphs from a ComputeGraphCheckpoint instance or a file-saved version of one.
This package handles all allocation of compute resources for a computation.
This package contains classes that make debugging easier for the user.
This package contains classes that make debugging easier for the user. They are mainly used, indirectly, by the Cog debugger.
The KernelCircuit is a "web of objects" that must be restored in a particular order that requires some global state. These collections are mixed into the ObjectRestorer to permit this.