case classRestoredOpcode(kernelName: String) extends Opcode with Product with Serializable
Rather than save all the Opcodes to the ComputeGraphFile, and provide
a restore mechanism, we simply create the opcode for a restored kernel
with the name AddKernel_24 (say) as RestoredOpcode("AddKernel_24").
Rather than save all the Opcodes to the ComputeGraphFile, and provide
a restore mechanism, we simply create the opcode for a restored kernel
with the name AddKernel_24 (say) as RestoredOpcode("AddKernel_24"). All
kernels will compare as not equal (since the names are unique), but this
is OK because the runtime won't be performing any kernel DAG optimization.
Rather than save all the Opcodes to the ComputeGraphFile, and provide a restore mechanism, we simply create the opcode for a restored kernel with the name AddKernel_24 (say) as RestoredOpcode("AddKernel_24"). All kernels will compare as not equal (since the names are unique), but this is OK because the runtime won't be performing any kernel DAG optimization.