A ModuleHierarchyTree describing the module structure of the ComputeGraph being debugged.
"Drill-down" into a module defined in the compute graph, displaying its child modules and fields, as well as their connections.
"Drill-down" into a module defined in the compute graph, displaying its child modules and fields, as well as their connections. Child modules are drawn in a collapsed state, i.e., you can't see their children; but edges going to or from those children are shown as entering/leaving the child module (they're "promoted" to some module with a visible vertex).
The child fields of the focused module are drawn as blue boxes, while child modules are drawn as gray boxes. Source or sink fields that exist outside the focused module are drawn as light grey boxes, labeled with the full path name of the field.
The newly focused module whose children, inputs, and outputs are to be drawn
Map from objects to their corresponding vertex in the displayed graph.
A graph viewer that is module-aware. Rather than displaying the entire graph at once (which may be quite large), it only draws the contents of a single module of interest at a time.
The user navigates the module hierarchy through the use of a navigation toolbar as well as by clicking on the vertices on the graph that correspond to modules The vertices corresponding to fields are colored blue; those corresponding to modules are a shade of gray.