



package complex

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ComplexColorFlowSubpanel extends FlowPanel with Zoomable


    A panel which displays a complex field as a color flow field.

    A panel which displays a complex field as a color flow field. The direction is denoted by color and the amplitude by brightness.


  2. class ComplexFieldSuperPanel extends BorderPanel with EventDrivenViewer with Zoomable with RestorableState


    A panel for displaying complex fields that allows you to change the format of the display at runtime.

  3. class MagnitudePhaseSubpanel extends BorderPanel with Viewer with ZoomProperty with RestorableState


    A panel which displays a complex field as a modulus panel and an argument panel, side by side.

  4. class PolarCoordinatesSubpanel extends TileBasedFieldPanel[libcog.ComplexFieldReader] with Viewer with RestorableState with ToolbarItems


    Subpanel which displays each number in a complex field in polar coordinates (as an arrow).

    Subpanel which displays each number in a complex field in polar coordinates (as an arrow).

    There are two modes here.

    ************************************************************** MODE 1: Standard complex number representation in an (x, y) plane.

    This assumes a conventional (x, y) right-handed coordinate system for displaying each individual complex number. This means that:

    1. Complex(1, 0) will point right

    2. Complex(0, 1) with point up

    3. Complex(-1, 0) will point left

    4. Complex(0, -1) will point down

    ************************************************************** MODE 2: As pseudo vectors in the (row, column) plane.

    It is sometimes useful to use complex numbers as tiny vectors in a 2D field. You must be careful in doing that, though, because Cog uses a left-handed (row, column) coordinate system. In this mode, the real part of the number as treated as a row coordinate, and the imaginary part is treated as the columns coordinate. This means that:

    1. Complex(1, 0) will point down

    2. Complex(0, 1) with point right

    3. Complex(-1, 0) will point up

    4. Complex(0, -1) will point left

  5. class RealImaginarySubpanel extends BorderPanel with Viewer with ZoomProperty with RestorableState


    A panel which displays a complex field as a real panel and an imaginary panel, side by side.

Value Members

  1. object ComplexFieldSuperPanel

