case classCog3StyleDebuggerUI(mainToolbar: BoxPanel, structurePane: StructurePane, probeDesktop: Desktop, msgPanel: MessagesPanel) extends BorderPanel with UI with Product with Serializable
A GUI designed to look and feel like what existed for Cog 3. Consists of
three major UI portions: the main toolbar, the graph viewer, and the probe
desktop. The main toolbar goes across the top of the window, the graph
graph viewer exists as a sort of sidebar in the main area, the and probe
desktop takes up the reaming space (and the builk of the entire UI). This
style eschews the menu bar, status bar,a nd message windows.
A GUI designed to look and feel like what existed for Cog 3. Consists of three major UI portions: the main toolbar, the graph viewer, and the probe desktop. The main toolbar goes across the top of the window, the graph graph viewer exists as a sort of sidebar in the main area, the and probe desktop takes up the reaming space (and the builk of the entire UI). This style eschews the menu bar, status bar,a nd message windows.